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Persons who have the right to travel on railways once a year for free

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22.12.2019 18138 Yangiliklar

To persons awarded with three degrees of the Order of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Order of Glory;
from wounded servicemen, workers and servants to war disabled persons of the 1st and 2nd groups and persons equivalent to them;
To the disabled rescuers of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP (in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan).
The right to travel on the railways once a year with a fifty percent discount from the full price of the ticket (to and fro) is given to the following on exchange for vouchers and presentation of a certificate:
3rd group to war invalids;
to war participants and their equivalents.
Two-year passes (current and previous or current and next year) are issued to persons who have the right to travel on the railways once a year (to and fro) with fifty percent discounts from the full price of the ticket, every two years at their request. instead, free walking (to and fro) is offered once a year. In this case, such a walk in the right direction is issued instead of two tickets "Going", and for returning - instead of two tickets "Arrival". This procedure is also applied to the 3rd group war disabled persons and persons treated as war participants.
Persons accompanying war disabled persons of the 1st group (no more than one follower), instead of passes, once a year (round trip) a fifty percent discount on the full price of the ticket is given. When issuing a ticket to an observer, only passes of the current year will be taken into account. Passes of the previous and next year will not be taken into account. A free ticket will not be issued to an observer instead of passes.
In order to get a discounted ticket, the following relevant documents must be presented to the ticket office giving the right to receive a discount: "Certificate of War Disabled Person", "Certificate of War Participant" or "Certificate of Right to Privilege".
Employees of railway transport who have been awarded the badge of "Honorary Railwayman" have the right to travel (to and from) throughout the CIS for free during the year, for this it is necessary to present a service certificate and a written railway ticket.
From the total price of tickets for organized groups of 10 or more people, the following discounts are provided for collective tickets:
a) when the total distance of the route is up to 2000 km (taking into account the transfer to another train):
10 percent of the total price of tickets when the number of people in the group is from 10 to 24;
15 percent of the total cost of tickets when the number of people in the group is 25 or more;
b) when the total distance of the route is more than 2000 km (taking into account the transfer to another train):
20 percent of the total price of tickets when the number of people in the group is from 10 to 24;
30 percent of the total price of tickets when the number of people in the group is 25 or more.
It is allowed to pay the price of the train ride for the excursion in cash and money orders.
When students travel alone on intercity trains and passenger trains traveling on domestic railway connections, ticket offices issue preferential tickets in the prescribed order, the number of the documents presented in them, and, if necessary, a receipt of additional payments in the prescribed form. shows.
Persons traveling on the train with preferential tickets must present the document of ticket purchase upon the request of observers and control persons when boarding the carriage and during the train ride.
Passengers who do not present the relevant documents during the check of preferential tickets will be considered without a ticket and will be fined in the specified amount. In addition, they will be charged the difference in ticket price (between concession and full fare) from the station where the tickets were issued to the station of destination.
In each case of wrongly issued tickets for the preferential fare, the supervisors must draw up a report and send it to the carrier's management for action.

Basic document: Resolution No. 109 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 13, 2012 "On approval of the rules for the transportation of passengers, baggage and cargo in railway transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan"